About The Lass

First things first: I am not an “influencer” and I’m not trying to be one. This site was created to help us remember our travels together.

My husband & I retired from a large US telecom company in order to pursue our passion of traveling the world. After years of taking one and two week vacations to amazing destinations, we agreed that life was too short to spend another minute on conference calls. We made the tough decision to leave our careers behind, sell our life in Atlanta, and follow our dreams. We downsized and moved to Sarasota, FL, and spend our days traveling, or just staying busy when we’re home.

We’ve spent a lot of time in the major cities of Europe and are looking forward to branching out to destinations further afield, and immersing ourselves in the local culture as much as possible.

There are bound to be challenges as we hop from city to city via plane, train and automobile (or boat), but when you’re with your best friend and soul mate, even a misstep can be an adventure, and we’re ready for it all!

As I mentioned, I started this blog as a way for my husband and I to capture the memories of our travels; otherwise the details fade so quickly.

For anyone who’s decided to follow along, THANK YOU! Please share your own experiences and don’t hesitate to ask questions or make suggestions!



NOTE: All photos on this site were taken by me or my husband, David, unless otherwise noted. Anyone is free to use or share them. I only ask for photo credit. Thank you!